Sunday, April 27, 2008


Q. The big question asked me in teleclasses or client sessions is "How should I price my eBook?
A. The big answer is "it depends."
Here's seven tips to help:
1. Determine your audience's need and demand for your book. If your book solves a particular problem for a preferred audience, it will sell well at any price. When you know your 30-60 second "Tell and Sell," you'll be more likely to know a proper price.
Let's say you have a book "Stop Divorce Now." Your tell and sell includes "Helps the nearly divorced audience, both men and women." That audience gives your book a slant, and makes it more valuable. In the "Tell and Sell" you must also include the benefits your book brings its audience. The top benefit of this book is that it stops divorce now.
No matter the number of pages, anywhere from 15-99, this kind of book will bring a healthy price. Maybe $39.95, maybe more.
2. Sell to your "wants it short, easy, and cheap to yield big profits audience. You can charge more than some general information book aimed at a general audience.
The 8 and 1/2 by 11" forty-page book "Write Your eBook or Other Short Book--Fast!" loaded with how to's and which specific steps to do first, along with hundreds of Web and email resources is well worth the list price of $24.95. The author puts it on discount several times a year for only $18.95, but it sells well at $24.95.
If someone wants to write and publish a book, this price tag is small for what it gives and the speed one can finish a short book to start making money within 60 days.
3. Know that eBooks bring as big a price as print books. Don't under price yours. Assign it the highest price you feel your audience can afford. If you don't sell
many (remember to sell many you need to promote your books Online and on Web sites) try a lower price. Always start with the highest price.
4. Rethink your title to sell more books. Make it short and compelling, but be sure to make it clear. Three-six words will sell better than a really long title, although there are exceptions.
One eBook "High Traffic=High Web Sales" sells better than "How to Dramatically Increase your Web Traffic and Sales."
5. Know that "how-to" books bring a larger price than a story.
6. Price your personal growth and health books lower than the specific how-to books. Shorter eBooks such as 10-30 pages will easily go for $7.95 to $12.95. Longer ones can go for $15.95. This audience is huge, but your book has far more competition in this group. Think Chicken Soup for the Soul series, selling over 70 million.
7. Promote your eBook Online to catch the Online business people. Reach 1000's, even hundreds of thousands each day you submit a related article. They want all kinds of books. Learn how to sell more books by learning this kind of promotion.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Walt Disney Is Coming To Town

In 1923, twenty-one-year-old Walt Disney arrived in Los Angeles fresh from the disappointment of his first cartoon studio going bankrupt in Kansas City. He went to see his twenty-nine-year-old brother Roy in the Veteran's Hospital were he was recovering from tuberculosis. Roy, a former bank teller and navy man was concerned about his brother's skinniness. "Hey kid, haven't you been eating? I'm supposed to be the sick one. So now that you're in L.A. what are you are going to do with yourself?" "I don't know. I've given up on animation. But I've got to get into show business somehow. I'll think I'll try and become a director."

Walt who had filmed some newsreel footage in Kansas City, printed a business card stating he was a member of the press, which he used to finagle his way onto studio lots. He had a meeting with a secretary at Metro. "Yes, I had my own studio in Kansas City, I made cartoons and live action films perhaps you heard of me?" "No I can't say that I have. And we really have a lot of people coming here looking for work and no jobs." Metro was in a state of chaos, Rudolph Valentino was demanding more money and they had frozen his salary. Because of the movie The Four Horseman Of The Apocalypse (1921) Valentino was now an international star who was surviving by hunting rabbits in the Santa Monica Mountains. Walt, who would later know great fame combined with money trouble could have identified, but he had his own problems.

Turned away at Metro Walt decided to go to Charlie Chaplin's studio in Hollywood and ask the great star for work personally. Chaplin had been Walt's hero, when Disney was thirteen he had won a two dollar prize imitating the tramp on stage, not an easy trick. One time Charlie Chaplin had entered a similar contest and lost.

Walt waited all day on the sidewalk for Chaplin to come out but he never did. Disney didn't know that Chaplin buried himself in his work, afraid to go home where his 16 year old pregnant wife Lita and her mother were filling his mansion with unwanted relatives, turning the Beverly Hills estate into the 1923 version of the Jerry Springer show. Or that the liberal Chaplin was infuriating his United Artist partner the conservative Mary Pickford by taking forever to finish his films, sometimes emerging from his editing room with a long beard looking like Robinson Crusoe. Walt had his own concerns.

Once again, Walt used his makeshift press pass to sneak into Universal Studios. This was exciting filmmaking! Men dressed like cowboys pretending to shoot at each other and falling

over. And a castle. It reminded him of Paris where he had driven an ambulance for the Red Cross after World War I. Curious, he walked over to question some workmen about the structure. It turned out they were building the Court Of Miracles set for The Hunchback Of Notre Dame, starring Lon Chaney. Walt who remained star struck all his life, began looking around for the famous actor who was known for playing characters who were deformed, sometimes armless and legless with incredible body contortions. Back in the twenties there was a saying, "If you see something unusual on the floor, don't step on it might be Lon Chaney." Suddenly Walt felt a tap on his shoulder. Sitting on a horse behind him was the famous Austrian director Eric Von Stroheim, known as the man you love to hate. Completely bald with a monocle, riding crop and thick boots, which early film directors working in the Hollywood hills wore to protect from snakes, Von Stroheim made an imposing figure. "What are you doing here". Walt confessed he snuck in and asked if there was any work. But he was talking to a man who used to twist the arms of his leading ladies when he wanted them to cry in his films. "Get out now and never come back." Years later, when he had his own studio, Walt went out of his way to give young people a chance to show what they could do.

With no other prospects Walt decided to get back into animation but this time he would get some help. One night in 1923 he returned to the Veteran's Hospital where Roy was feeling better. Excitedly Walt told his brother about his plans awakening other patients in the ward," But I can't do it alone. I don't have your head for numbers." "I don't know kid, cartoons that's risky. I was thinking about getting a safe job at a bank, getting married. I mean I think your talented but. . ." "Ah come on Roy, forget about a job. We'll work for ourselves. This is better than a job, we can do this thing." "I don't know. . ." "Ah please." Walt would not take no for an answer. Roy finally agreed to the new venture when one of the soldiers in a nearby bed sat up and said, "Roy will you go with him already so we can get some sleep!"

What Rich Internet Marketers Know That You Don't

Thirty years ago, I sold information via small classified ads in "ad-sheets" on how to make money teaching others how to make money. We sent out these packets of flyers called "Big Mails." We sent them to people who answered out ads and sent us the postage or a self-addressed stamped envelope.

One of the most prevalent plans back then sold for $1. It offered to teach you how to make one hundred dollars a day stuffing envelopes. This plan cost you a dollar plus a self-addressed stamped envelope. When someone responded to your ad, you sent them a sheet of paper telling them to run the same ad and do the same things that you were doing. You also included flyers for other brilliant plans in the envelope :-)

Fast forward 25 years, and I found myself in that same world transposed online.

They were the same because in both cases I found myself in a world where there were tens of thousands of people offering to sell others information on how to finally break free of the rat-race and create their own outrageously profitable businesses.

They were the same, because in both cases, most of the people marketing this information had never achieved any major success at what they were teaching.

However, things turned out drastically different for me the second time around. I was actually able to achieve my goals, and I'd like to share with you how and why that happened. I'd like to share with you, some of my major discoveries.

First, the how and why...

The how is that a small voice in my head said, "What you're currently doing is insane!" The incestuous marketing of "plans" that we're all "pitching" to each other just has us all "running around in circles." That small voice, that you hear too, said, "This is not the answer, so where is it."

Unlike many, I listened to that voice, stepped back, and looked around for those who appeared to have discovered "the answer." Then I made a point of studying and analyzing everything they did. I read all that they wrote. I attended live events to meet, listen to, and question them. Most importantly, I used my own power of observation to SEE who was "walking the walk," and who just "talked a good story, but wasn't there yet".

I very quickly discovered that those who had uncovered some part of the real secret CHARGED you for teaching it to you. They had hundreds of people clamoring to be taught or given a helping hand. So they used their consulting fees to see who was serious AND as a means of allocating their most valuable asset - their time. So I became willing to pay for the guidance of those who could really teach me.

One of the first things I was taught was that I needed a radical shift in my belief system of what IS possible. Our belief of what we can accomplish is framed by what relatives and those around us have done. We need to frame it in terms of what those who have accomplished much more have done.

That re-framing occurred as I talked to online millionaires and saw how they actually viewed the world and interacted with it. My mentors and coaches had me feed my mind information and proof of what was possible. They had me totally saturate myself in the material, to the extent that even now I listen to it on my MP3 player while out jogging... it takes my mind off of the pain :-)

Here's the most significant discovery I made about what's happening in the online world... The real money online is being made by those selling real world products that solve problems.

The real money online is being made by those who educate their markets and then make it easy for them to buy. That's the most effective sales technique. Teach them and in the process bring them to the conclusion that your product is the only logical choice.

It's a FACT that people use the Internet to research topics of interest and to comparison shop. Then they often buy the item that they've researched offline. If your website is the one that educates them, and helps make the research easy, they'll flock to your website. It's that simple. While there, they may purchase the item of interest from you


Another point that many online marketers are really missing is that people go online to buy ordinary tangible things! When one of my friend bought an motorhome (sight-unseen) over Ebay, that shocked me. When I heard that over 5 BILLION dollars worth of vehicles are sold over Ebay annually, that enlightened me.

People love to shop, and they get tremendous pleasure out of buying things for themselves and their loved ones. Offer them what they're looking for and they'll purchase it from your website. They purchase everything from cars and clothing, to computers and software, to books, to pet supplies, to vitamins and supplements, to flowers, and even houses over the Internet. If you're offering these items, in the right way, you will do very well!

If you need proof of what I have just stated, read the book, Success Alert. It was written by my friend, John Evans, who interviewed over 60 people making up to eighteen million a year doing just what I described. Grab a copy today and devote an evening to absorbing the knowledge and business wisdom contained within these in-depth interviews. Get a copy from: ==>

The very powerful examples in this book will make a believer out of many. They will show you how people are quietly making millions providing people with tangible products that they WANT.

This book won't totally solve the problem for everyone. There will still be those who will say, "Yeah, they did it, but I can't." Some even go as far as to imply that God doesn't want them to succeed in a big way. They believe that they are intended to suffer and never break out of the struggle.

Listen - we live in a world of unimagined riches! There is more than enough to go around. What keeps most of us from getting those things we want is that we aren't open to receiving them. I don't want to get mystical or anything, but every major religion, and way of thinking in the world, teaches that if you ask you will receive. There's just a correct way of asking that we often don't understand.

A good course for drastically shifting your thinking of what you CAN accomplish and what this world will give you is by Dr. Robert Anthony. This couse was life-changing enough that I devoted a full week exclusively to studying it when I first discovered it. Grab a copy, and begin to understand many things in a totally different light by visiting: ==>

So... it takes offering the right products...things that people want. It also takes believing that you can do it enough to really go for it. For many of us, it also takes proof... we need to see examples of people doing it.

All of these are right before you. That's why I needed to have this talk with you. I'm a little confused at to why so many refuse to see what is so obvious. I'm a little confused, but not totally confused. I acknowledge that some people "deep down inside" don't want success. They're afraid of it, or don't believe that they deserve it.

If you want to know how to actually build a thriving online business, I've just revealed it to you. I speak with numerous shining examples of those doing it EVERY week. They share with me things that I can probably never share with you directly. I treasure their confidence and that's a part of why they open up to me so. I've probably already shared too much... we'll see if THEY stop talking to me :-)

What’s It Worth?

Sound financial business planning means taking ongoing assessment steps looking at the business from multiple perspectives including capitalization, expansion, menu concepts, cash flow and even an exit strategy. Whether you are a chef dreaming of your own restaurant, the head of a family business discussing succession, an independent considering retirement or you are thinking about buying or selling, determining the business market value is a necessary process for success.

Adjust Cash Flow

To determine the profitability value a business falls into, it is necessary to determine the Adjusted Cash Flow of that business. The Adjusted Cash Flow is equivalent to its earnings before interest, depreciation, and taxes (EBIDT in accounting terms), plus additions or subtractions for owner’s salary, discretionary, single occurrence, or non-cash expenses. Once a thorough analysis of the financial information has been completed, and the Adjusted Cash Flow determined, the category of Market Value is defined.

In general, a privately owned single or small (1-3) multi-unit business will fall into one of the three profitability categories:

  • Positive Cash Flow
  • Break Even
  • Asset Sale

Positive Adjusted Cash Flow

This category will generally represent the highest Market Value of an on-going business. In this situation the business is profitable and established. The buyer is purchasing a combination of the historical cash flow, fixed assets, operational assets (trade name, concept, menu, etc.) and goodwill. The Market Value for businesses in this category is based on a multiplier of the Adjusted Cash Flow, that ranges between two (2) and five (5) times Adjusted Cash Flow. A second value is determined by using a multiplier of Gross Sales (net of sales tax) between 30% and 40%. Business value is generally somewhere within the range of these two numbers. A sophisticated buyer expects that the price they pay would net an annual return on investment between 20% and 50%.

EXAMPLE: Adjusted Cash Flow $ 65,000 x 3.75 = $243,750

Gross Sales 725,000 x 35% = $253,750

This business would have a value of approximately $250,000.

Break Even

In this category, the business is marginally profitable or losing money. In this type of transaction,

the buyer is more interested in fixed assets, location, lease terms, and the cost of converting the existing business to their intended use. In Break Even transactions, Market Value is determined by combining the value of furniture, fixtures, and equipment (including consideration for installation), leasehold rights, tenant improvements, with some consideration for gross revenues. Break Even Market Value is sustainable only if the business is operational, and the owner has the financial ability to continue operating until the sale is closed.

Asset Sale

This category is comprised of closed businesses or businesses that are experiencing extreme circumstances. An extreme circumstance may include a seller who does not have the financial means to continue operating. It may also be a secured creditor or landlord whom has had to repossess a business, or it may include a business owner being forced to sell for reasons beyond their control. Any of these situations create a severe disadvantage to the seller, and in turn has a dramatic effect on the Market Value. In these situations, value drops to that of auction value for the fixed assets, plus whatever premium might be negotiated for location, leasehold rights, and the fact that the equipment is in place and operational.

Other Considerations

In addition to the cash flow, tangible and non-tangible assets of the business will influence Market Value. These tangible and non-tangible assets may include Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment; Leasehold rights; and Books and Records. Although not quite as important as profitability, these other assets will directly affect Market Value.

Whether you are evaluating a purchase price, planning for succession or positioning your business for sale these other assets should be considered. But is should always be remembered that the bottom line for determining the actual value of your restaurant business is the simple answer: what a willing and able buyer agrees to pay!

When Your Office Is Home

It's easy to get obsessed. Really, it is. With work, with the almighty dollar, with achieving and building your business.

When your office is home, there is no clock to punch, no rush hour drive to get as far away from the madness as possible. No, when you work from home, it's all up to you. You can work as little or as much as you like. Unfortunately, most home-workers fall into the two extremes: those who don't work enough, and those who work too much.

The ones who don't work enough get caught up in the "home" aspect of the home office. Something is always calling them away: a crying baby, the laundry, a trip to the convenience store, a pot on the stove, daytime TV shows. They give in to temptation and never truly put in an honest day's work. Then they come to me and ask how in the world I'm so productive.

It's because I fall into the other extreme category. Im a full-time writer, and I get caught up in the "office" aspect of the home office. It gets simple to see each minute as a potential dollar, and each day as a new possibility to sell the novel, write the next bestseller, break into the almighty national magazine market.

Know that when you are self-employed, you won't have anyone looming over your desk to keep you on track. Sure, that may sound delicious, but do some real self-assessing: can you handle it?

If no one tells you when and how to work, will you have the discipline necessary to earn a living? Will you ever start your work? Will you ever stop?

When you get hooked into the cycle of never truly leaving office-mode, the point of working from home gets diminished. Sure, you may work in your pajamas, but you wind up putting in more hours than you would have at a day job, and you forget to enjoy the perks of being self-employed.

The single cure for either extreme mode is the same: set goals and meet them. If you're not getting enough work done, set an attainable goal (write a new press release before noon, or make five cold calls before the end of the day), and keep to it, no matter how you have to juggle your life around it. If you're working too much, set that same goal and then STOP. Write

those releases, or make those calls, and then get up from that chair, stretch, and do something that doesn't involve work in any manner.

I once read something that has stuck with me (pardon me for not knowing the attribution): At the end of your life, will you regret not putting in more overtime?

As for me, I'll be embarrassed to die until I've achieved a lifestyle with a better balance: One that involves more family and fun time, and less time logged in my computer chair.

Sanity breaks are so important, and if you're going to freelance full-time, you have to set limits. You have to take days off, re-discover your significant other's birthmarks, and just plain enjoy life. Otherwise, why are you working? Remember what it is youre working toward and why you chose to work at home.

If you're like me, you may work better with a written schedule. On this schedule, write down both your work responsibilities and your "play" responsibilities. Mine sometimes looks like this:

9:00-12:00: Work on new article for XYZ Magazine.

12:00-1:00 Lunch break.

1:00-5:00 Write query and send it to 5 new markets.

5:00-6:00: Cook dinner.

6:00-7:00 Dinner.

7:00-8:00 Exercise.

...and so on.

I keep a daily schedule book that has room for me to write down all of my "to do" list each day. If you lose track of time, you may want to set an alarm clock to remind you when it's time to quit, or you may try setting your computer to "defragmentation mode" at a particular time each day (your "quitting time").

Commit to becoming less extreme. Working from home is a wonderful thing... in moderation.

When Quickbooks Doesn’t Balance

After you’ve been using QuickBooks for while and have been balancing your account regularly, you will only irregularly have trouble reconciling it. However, if you are just getting started, you may have trouble getting your QuickBooks bank account to balance. For that reason, let me offer some suggestions for balancing a bank account that’s causing you trouble. Check for missing transactions Account balance trouble stems from only three causes: Reason 1: You cleared a transaction the bank hasn’t recorded Reason 2: You forgot to record a transaction, or perhaps several transactions Reason 3: Either you or your bank incorrectly recorded a transaction Therefore, when you find yourself with reconciliation troubles, first make sure that you are not missing some transaction. Go through the bank statement line for line, comparing each of the transactions listed there with the contents of your account register. If you find the bank statement lists a transaction that your QuickBooks bank account register does not, then you need to record it in QuickBooks. Confirm you haven’t incorrectly cleared transactions Once you confirm that the QuickBooks bank account register includes all transactions, verify that you have not incorrectly cleared transactions that are still outstanding. To do this, thoroughly review the QuickBooks account register and make sure that each transaction marked with a “C” does, in fact, appear on the bank statement. Compare amounts If the two reviews described in the preceding paragraphs don’t explain the difference between your records and the bank’s, you need to check the actual transaction amounts that you have recorded against those shown in the bank register. In other words, if the bank register shows a check to your mortgage company for $500, you need to make sure that your account register also records the check as $500. Unfortunately, it is easy to incorrectly record transaction amounts in the QuickBooks account register. All it takes is pressing the wrong key. And, in fact, two data entry errors are particularly difficult to see: transposition errors and sign errors. Keep a sharp lookout for transposition errors Transposition errors occur when you transpose, or flip-flop, the numbers in an amount. If you write a check for $123, but record the check as $132, for example, you’ve transposed the 2 and the 3. And this error is hard to spot later. You look at the bank statement, for
example, and see the digits 123. Then when you look at the account register, you see the digits 132. Unless you are looking not just at the digits used but also at their order, you may miss this error. Don't miss sign errors Sign errors occur when you enter a deposit as a withdrawal, or a withdrawal as a deposit. All this really means is that you have entered some transaction amount in the wrong column. Again, this error is sometimes tough to spot because the transaction appears both on the bank statement and in your register—just in the wrong column in the QuickBooks bank register. If you come up with some difference with your records and the bank’s that is irreconcilable, try dividing the error by 2. Then look for a transaction equal to this result. For example, if you have a $200 error, divide $200 by 2 to get the result $100. Then look for a $100 transaction that is entered in the wrong column. Some problems account reconciliation won’t fix There are several common errors that account reconciliation won’t catch. Reconciliation won’t catch when you forget to record a transaction and the transaction hasn’t yet cleared the bank. If you forget to record a check and the check is still outstanding at the end of the statement month, for example, the check doesn’t appear in your register and it doesn’t get listed on your bank statement. Another kind of error that a bank reconciliation won’t catch stems from entering a fictitious transaction in the account register. For example, if you enter a check in the QuickBooks bank account register that you never wrote or a deposit you never made, the check or deposit will never clear the bank. Unfortunately, there is not much you can do to find these sorts of errors. Mostly, you need to apply simple common sense to prevent them. In the case of forgotten uncleared transactions, your only recourse is to be careful in your record keeping. Try to establish a system whereby you regularly record the checks you write and the deposits you make.

Your Future Profit is in the Stars

You don't believe in astrology but you check your horoscope in the newspaper just for fun. Me too. But millions of people do believe in astrology and are willing to pay to know the future. This creates an opportunity for you to profit from an astrology web site.
Because the earth and other planets orbit around the Sun in the same plane, the planets appear to move through a belt in the sky called the "zodiac". The zodiac is divided into twelve parts called "houses".
Astrologers believe that the angles the planets make to each other and to the Sun and Moon affect our lives. Each house influences specific areas of our lives, such as health, money, career, and relationships.
The part of the zodiac that was rising on the eastern horizon at the moment of a person's birth is that persons sign. My sign is Virgo. Virgos are hard working and dedicated to duty. They are also self-centered, critical, and lacking sympathy and empathy. Anyone who knows me would probably say that description fits me pretty well.
Each planet controls a particular aspect of our life. For example, Mars has an aggressive influence. If Mars were to move into Virgo, my horoscope would predict that business endeavors would be likely to succeed for me, but nervous irritability would manifest itself.
Here is how to develop your astrology web site.
Use impressive graphics to display the signs of the zodiac. Give the site an air of class and mystery.
Astrologers use special symbols to write a map of a person's individual possibilities or difficulties in life. Provide some impressive scientific looking charts.
Provide a free daily horoscope for each sign. Word each horoscope to tempt the visitor to register to receive more detail.
"A great opportunity will make itself available to you, but a
person presenting that opportunity may not be entirely truthful with you. Please login for complete details."
4. Provide several levels of access. To login requires a small membership fee. For a higher fee, provide access to a comprehensive analysis. For an even higher fee, provide personal consultation by email. For an even higher fee, provide telephone consultation.
Important Points
Before you get started on your astrology web site, train yourself. Read a few good books on astrology. Visit some astrology web sites.
On the front page of your Web site place a link to a disclaimer that includes: "Any predictions of future events are NOT guaranteed, they are meant only as possibilities."
A person seeking guidance from astrology is actually looking for consolation and reassurance in their life. Regardless of what your astrological charts predict for the individual, communicate it in a reassuring and encouraging way.

Top Three Reasons For 'Why Your Product Is Not Selling'

***Top TWO Reason:***
You are trying to sell a freely available service or product. When people are getting it free, why they bother to buy the same for money?
Before start selling a product, look around you. For example, people are getting web site templates freely on the internet. If you keep website templates in a box and try to sell them, it won't be much profit for you.
You can question me. Quality! Paid templates are always be little bit more of quality products. I will answer that Anybody can improve the free templates to their needs.
How do you know that the product that you are going to sell is freely available on the net? Simple. Add the word 'free' to your product and search the term in search engines. Sites offering similar product freely will show up. For example, take above example. You can search for 'free website templates'.
OK...Still want to sell a freely available product? Then give it a Unique Selling position. Add some unique property to your product. Add bonuses. Offer free upgrades that they won't get with free products. Hope you can survive with these tips.
***Top THREE Reason:***
No demand product. Right now information products are number one selling products on the internet.
People are seeking information. Information about making money online, building a website fast, selling their product, how to cook and serve, how to repair electronics with out paying lot for repair services...
There is no end to the above list and there is no limit to the information seeking areas. All you have to do is just find out the hot market.
Here comes the affiliate programs. Great way of having your product with in few seconds. Having your own product is always better. But people making lot of money with affiliate programs too.
Select a good affiliate program that gives you 50% of commission. If you join in an affiliate program and if you see your affiliate ID at some thousand number, don't be scared. So many people selling the same product and how come you are gonna make money with competing so many people? Most of the times people join in affiliate programs and forget about them. May be only few people work sincerely and stick to one or few programs. So don't bother if your affiliate id is some 18746.
So sell a product that has demand. It is not matter whether it is your own or affiliate product.

The Seven Best Ways For Salespeople And Entrepreneurs To Build AWESOME Customer Relationships

What’s the one thing starting today that you could start doing, stop doing, or change that would have a dramatic impact on your client relationships? It’s an excellent question and I hope you’ll take a moment to consider your response.
It sometimes takes a great deal of effort and an extraordinary amount of energy to close “a big deal.” Never forget, it may take even more effort and energy, to keep the business after you win it. It takes courage to get the business and creativity and imagination to keep it.
Consider the word AWESOME and all that means. To be awesome is to be formidable, imposing, grand, impressive, outstanding, wonderful, excellent, and even remarkable. Most salespeople don’t even think in terms of being AWESOME. They walk around doing a great imitation of benign mediocrity. It doesn’t take much to leap from the ordinary to the extraordinary, but it does take effort. It’s all about leaving a great first impression, not merely a good one. It’s about delighting your customers, not just satisfying them. It’s about rising above the crowd, not being lost in it.
Here are some ideas for you on how to be AWESOME for your customers.
A - Ask good customer questions. There are two types of questions and you know salespeople consider them to be open and closed questions. Let’s raise the bar on that kind of thinking. While questions can be open and closed, they can also be wide and deep. The wide questions are surface questions i.e. “How’s it going, how’s business,” and “Any other any problems I can help you with today?”
A deep question always leaves its mark i.e. “What would have to happen for you to consider us as your best supplier?” Another really inspired question is, “How do you measure success when working with your current supplier?” David Frost, the famous interviewer, once said “you can tell the quality of a question by the quality of the response.” Are you asking quality questions? If not, why not?
W - Work your priorities and prioritize your work. Prioritizing will make you enterprising. To be really effective you must be able to distinguish between what is urgent and what is important. Be careful not to start the very fires you’re trying to put out. For example, eliminate the following from your voice mail message, “if it’s really important page me or call me on my cell phone.” The only people who don’t possess a FedEx mentality are the people who work for FedEx.
Everybody else thinks everything else is a high priority. Get a grip, get a life, and begin everyday with the list (prioritized with numbers) of the 6 most important things you want to complete and don’t encourage the distractions. Develop the habit of sticking to your list of priorities and only deviate from your list if a higher priority lands on your desk. The best salespeople and sales managers always take care of the most important stuff first. They are not easily distracted. Set you priorities for the day and focus on them like a laser beam and only take your eyes off them for a higher priority.
E - Energize yourself every day with a positive attitude. People with positive attitudes live longer, enjoy life more, and tend to be more likable, from their customers perspective. I learned a long time ago, we choose to affect or infect the people we meet every day. Don’t bring your personal problems to work because they never add value to your customers.
If life has dealt you a difficult set of cards right now, deal with them privately and put your troubles on a trouble tree when you leave for your first sales call. Remember, your customers have their own problems, so there’s no need to burden them with yours. People with positive attitudes are enthusiastic, animated, excited, smiling, and always expect the best things to happen. “Your face is your own fault after age 40,” according to Cicero, so check it often with a mirror. How you handle your problems says a lot about you.
S - Style is important. If you agree you must feel like a chameleon. Most strained interpersonal relationships are created by different styles. There is the “Driver” who is very assertive, demanding and autocratic. There is also the “Expressive” who is extremely sociable, loves to talk, and lousy with details. Then there is the “Analytical” who is very precise, organized, and extremely neat. Finally, there is the “Amiable” who is generally low-key, trusting, and very innovative.
One of the biggest keys to selling success is the art of
adapting your selling style to your customers’ buying style. This is easy to say and hard to do. To learn more about behavioral styles, read articles, buy books and listen to audiocassette training tapes on the subject. This is one subject where ignorance is definitely not bliss.
O - Others focused. Another key to successful selling is the ability to build relationships while taking care of business. Here are some ideas for you: don’t make people feel invisible, always maintain good eye contact, remember, you can’t smile enough on the telephone or in person, to stay connected – ask people who get your voice mail message to leave their e-mail address and telephone number, watch your body language, buy a composition notebook to record all your relationship-building ideas, only do dog and pony shows if your customer needs a dog and pony, add the words “for you” to the end of your sentences, every four months record your end of your telephone calls to improve the quality of your calls, blaming is shaming so don’t do it, always take notes to demonstrate that you care and you are listening, and always take the time to say “Thank you” to everyone who contributes to your success.
M - Master the business basics. Listen to your voice mail message. If it doesn’t sound upbeat, enthusiastic and professional change it. E-mail is a way to communicate. Use creative subject lines and remember less is more if you want your message to be understood. Never call a meeting without first preparing an agenda. Begin all meetings on time. End your meetings on time. Secure commitments for who is going to do what and by when. Form the habit of writing personal handwritten notes using a fountain pen. It’s a great way to be a high-touch person in the high-tech world we live in today. Try being more likable, agreeable, adaptable, and relatable. Maintain your focus on the other person, especially when its a customer.
E - Enthusiasm and passion are powerful attributes for professional salespeople to cultivate. Too many people are dying on the job today and still working. Some people walk into a room and breathe life into it. Other people walk into the same room and do their best to vent all the oxygen. Get excited about your work. If you don’t like it, change it. Your life is too important and too short, to waste it doing something you hate doing. Be yourself and avoid trying to imitate somebody else. Have an attitude of gratitude. Say “thank you” often. That kind gesture will make someone’s day a better one. Enthusiasm is contagious and so is the negative stuff. Enthusiasm is an acquired quality and it’s FREE! Go out and get some, if you’re running low.
If you want to take, your sales career to the next level learn do the unthinkable. Quit saying “I’ve always done it this way.” Quit following the crowd. Take a new path to solve old customer problems. The old way may not be the better way. If you’re too comfortable, it’s time to change. Always aim higher and you’ll be rewarded handsomely.

Success Tips for Small Business Owners

Running a small business requires many skills. However, to do this successfully you need to organize yourself first. Avoid procrastination - read the following and take action.
Successful Small Business Owners Look After Themselves First
Exercise regularly, eat healthily and be around positive people. Feed your mind by attending personal development courses. Read self-help and motivational books, listen to tapes. Stress management levels will be much more effective when you look after yourself.
Do the right thing by yourself and you'll have heaps of energy, be motivated, have more balance in your life which in turn will help you be more productive and successful.
Successful Small Business Owners Clean out the Clutter Regularly
You will save yourself heaps of time, energy and money if you clear out your work and home environment…paperwork, books, old equipment etc. You'll be able to find things, save money because you won't have to buy what you already have hidden somewhere, plus you'll be less stressed. Organize your office and your small business premises regularly…keep the clutter out. Eliminating clutter will help you to avoid procrastination. It's too easy to avoid getting things done if you are overwhelmed with clutter.
Successful Small Business Owners Use the Right Tools
It's no good having the latest whiz-bang computer when the desk that you sit at is too small to accommodate it, or the chair has poor back support, or the lighting is dull causing you eyestrain and fatigue. All these factors heavily influence how you work. Invest in a decent desk, purchase a desk lamp or change the light globes.
Don't avoid the warning signs your body gives you. Take action now before you have eye, back or neck problems.
Successful Small Business Owners Use a Diary or Digital organiser
With so much to organize in your small business, you need to record your appointments and things to do and goals somewhere. Preferably in a paper diary or digital organiser that you can take everywhere. This is the most effective way to get things done, plan your work and your life. Balance is extremely important. Top achievers are great at time management (even if they have to pay someone else to organize them).
Successful Small Business Owners Learn to say "No"
To dramatically
improve your productivity and do more of the things you want, you have to be firm with others and let them know if you cannot, will not or are unavailable to fulfil their requests. If you constantly say "yes" to everyone else's requests you will never have the time to do what you really want to.
Book yourself into a self-assertiveness course to learn these skills if you feel you need to.
Successful Small Business Owners Do What They Do Best and Delegate the Rest
See what tasks you can delegate tasks which would suit someone else's talents. Many small business owners are spending heaps of time on mundane secretarial tasks which would take a person who is trained in that area a quarter of the time to undertake. Stress management is an important part of running your small business. Reduce the stress by delegating or outsourcing wherever you can.
Use a bookkeeper, personal assistant or virtual assistant. Always ask yourself, who else can I get to do this? Use your time management to focus on what you do best.
Successful Small Business Owners Only Have Meetings if Necessary
Make sure the meetings you organize in your small business are relevant and run effectively. Avoid procrastination - always make sure there is an outcome and all actions are followed through.
The Final Word
By following these simple yet very effective time management tips for small business owners you will have more control over your work and your life. You'll have more balance, experience less stress and be more proactive.

Do you have the characteristics to make EXTRA INCOME? It takes certain attributes to run a successful extra income program. You must ask yourself if y

At any time in history, no matter what the current state of the economy, no matter what the current trends, no matter what the unemployment rate is or where interest rates lurk, some money-saving ideas stay true.
Some of you may have heard of these ideas before, others may be entirely new to you. But whether you are familiar with these super secrets or not, it will be well worth your while to put them into effect in your own life. The magic they will work on your financial life is guaranteed. I urge you to put them to work - any one of these could change your life! Big changes come from small steps. One plus one does equal two, so if you add one from eleven different places, you will see big results.
This is a four part series giving you advice on saving your hard-earned money in a variety of down-to-earth ways. Nothing here is anything that anyone can't do on a daily basis.
Amazing Money Tip #6
Do what you love and the money will follow. I think there's a book by that title. At any rate, it's true. One of the primary reasons that many people live paycheck to paycheck, and are broke despite working very hard at their jobs, is the fact that they hate what they do.
If you hate your job, you will not have a positive attitude toward money. You will associate money with that dreadful sound of the alarm clock every morning. Once you tie up your source of wealth and income with drudgery, that's exactly what the majority of your life will become: drudgery.
Starting today, you should begin planning your escape. The first thing you should ask yourself is: "If money were no object, what would I be doing? What do I like to do most for fun, and is it possible that I could get paid for it?"
Sound ludicrous? It's not. In fact, if your work is not also your play, you are fighting against yourself. You will eventually burn out and hate the world. On the other hand, if you get up every day being exciting, positive and looking forward to what you are going to be doing - and making money at it - you will automatically move toward doing more and more of what you love, and making more and more money at it. If your dream job means starting your own business, don't let that stop you either! It is much easier than most people think. Look in to it, it could literally change your life.
Amazing Money Tip #7
You must get organized. Being a tidy, efficient person has more influence on how much money you make more than you can ever imagine.
If you want to have a lot of money, you can't afford to be a slob. Think about it. Let's say you are at your desk trying to get some work done. You need to find the stapler, but because your office is such a pit, you spend 15 minutes looking for it. You've just spent 15 unproductive minutes. Next you may need to locate a file, and that takes you 20 minutes of sifting through paper. Another 20
minutes down the tube. By the end of the day, you may easily burn up two or three hours doing something as trivial as looking for things. The same goes for any kind of job you might have. If you are an auto mechanic, how much time do you spend trying to find a nine-sixteenth wrench, when you could have it at your fingertips.
It's disorganized people who are always saying at the end of the day: "I seem to work so hard but get very little done!" Of course! You spent the entire day looking for the Scotch tape!
The fact is, time is money. The more time you spend unproductively, the less time you are earning money. Clean up your office. Organize your tool shed. Get your bookwork organized. Think of every minute saved as a buck in your pocket.
Amazing Money Tip #8
Make your own daily top 10 list. Speaking of getting organized, you should sit down every morning with your cup of coffee and list the top 10 things you would like to get done that day. Then organize them in priority of importance. Start at item #1 and go down the list as fast as you can.
Make no doubt about it - this is a powerful way to get work done. It will put hoards of cash in your pocket. The reason is that making money is all about movement - forward movement. As the famous novelist Ayn Rand told us, in a capitalist society the most important things a person can do is move forward every day!
Having a top ten list will ensure that you accomplish something every day. You may not get through the whole list every day, nor should you necessarily try. Just do your best. At the end of the day, you should be able to look at your list with pride, examine the scratched off items and say: "That's what I got done today! I did something to better my life and create wealth!"

The Extra Income Checks

Do you have the characteristics to make EXTRA INCOME? It takes certain attributes to run a successful extra income program. You must ask yourself if you are cut out for it. No GURU can do it for you. You have to want it badly enough and then go out and get it.
Tens of thousands of people all across the globe come to the internet looking for a way to make extra income. It has become necessary to issue some reality checks.
The truth of the matter is that some people are better off getting a second job at the local convenience store to supplement their income than start an extra income program. It doesn't do them any good to spend money and months on the internet trying to earn extra income only to fail. At the end of it, they would only be poorer for their efforts.
I don't want you to waste your money on something you may not be suited for. You need to look within yourself and ask yourself if you can do it.
The reality is that the cost of living keeps going up while companies keep cutting back on raises. The need to do something extra and earn enough money to help pay the bills has never been greater. It doesn't matter if you are a woman or man.
The computer and the internet have made it possible for people to match their skills, interests, abilities, and ingenuity into a home business they can use to earn extra income. This article is to show you that it's simple and easy to join the ranks of successful extra income earners. But make no mistake about it, it's not for everybody.
The history of business shows that the rewards and advantages of starting a business are many. The beauty is that you can start an extra income business in your garage, backyard, basement, attic, or a room in your home. But first, you must do some GUT CHECKS.
Your first step should be to study the attributes below and see if you have them. You should be frank and honest when you do.
If you are to achieve any level of success, you must set goals. If you expect to be successful, you must determine what that means to you and the best way to achieve it. There are two basic steps you can take to convert goals into achievements:
a) You can decide on a specific dollar amount; and b) You can set a time frame for obtaining the dollar amount you want. Your goal should be specific and indicate What, When, and Where. After making a list of every possible way you may accomplish a goal, select the method for your situation.
a) "Can my family do without the money I need to start an extra income program?" In the world of the internet, this amount is very small. In fact, there are programs, like the program, which come loaded with all you need to start for free.
All you have to do is advertise. Can your family do without the money you need to advertise? This question must be answered according to each individual's circumstances. You may need to trim a few things from the family budget.
b) "What are my strengths?" To determine your strengths you will have to take an inventory of yourself. Decide what you enjoy doing the most and what you feel you would be good at. Examine every possibility and
include all the skills you have no matter how small they seem.
There is no harm in brushing up on the things you are lacking. Local community colleges have courses that help you do this at very small price. There are also a lot of free online resources you can read to gain more knowledge. All you have to do is go to a search engine like Google and do a search on your topic of interest.
c) "Is there a market for the product or program I have chosen?" Be cautious before you invest any money. Check it out by making inquiries directly to the company, competitors, or firms who are marketing a product or program similar to the one you are interested in. Test it on a small scale and track your testing. Check it out thoroughly.
d) "How long will it take this business to reach the financial goal I must have?" You should know how much time you can dedicate to your business, and what your profits are for that time. From there, a simple math will tell you how long it might take to reach a particular financial goal.
You must have the courage to start. Don't be caught in analysis paralysis. Some people spend too much time analyzing opportunity that they never start. Don't fall into this trap. You MUST have the courage to start.
Take a close look at your interests and abilities, and then decide what type of program or product you want to do. For example, do you want to do referral programs, or write e-books to sell? The object is to find out what has the most appeal. If it does not appeal to you, you will not be motivated enough to see it through.
A good marketing plan is one part of a business plan that is absolutely essential to its success. In fact, the ability to properly market a program can be more important than the program itself. You want targeted marketing. You have to reach the right audience in your marketing efforts.
Go to discussion forums in your niche and see what others are doing. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Experience is the best teacher. With good program or product, you should be able to develop a winning strategy.
Be a self-motivator and continue moving forward towards the goals you want and deserve. Keep educating yourself in your area of interest. The best extra income earners never stop educating themselves because there is always something to learn.
If you have or develop the above attributes, your little extra income program or business could turn into your main income program or business. You will be smiling all the way to the bank with some nice checks and thanking yourself for having the GUTS needed to accomplish your goal.

The 3 Greatest Prosperity Books Of All Time

I'm fascinated by prosperity.This year I've been reading numerous books on the topic. Here are mythree favorites:"Seed Money In Action" has stood the test of time. This forty year oldlittle booklet has gone through 53 editions, sold 1,000,000 copies, andcaused 40,000 people to write the authors and praise it.The basic message is that as you give, you will receive ten-fold inreturn. This ancient secret helped create millionaires and billionairesthroughout time, and still works today.There's a catch, of course. You have a give with a mind-set ofnon-judgmental expectation. When you do, you're in the flow. Most people whoare broke are practicing the scarcity principle, not the seed moneyprinciple.Most people who are having money problems would never even think ofgiving money away, let alone think of the proper way to think AS they givemoney away. Yet that's the secret prosperity in this famous booklet.Then there's "The Millionaire's Mind" by two authors in a country Inever heard of before last year. Two Slovenian authors wrote a book thatsold out within 15 days in their country. When they came to me, I wasskeptical. When I read the book, I was amazed. Here's a complete course onhow to think like a wealthy person. Long, detailed, practical, andeye-opening, it continues to blow me away.Do you want to know what happened in the first few hours after Iannounced the release of the book?* A German businessman contacted us wanting to start selling this e-book inGermany and building his own website just to promote it to his audience.* An Indian businessman contacted us wanting to find ways of marketing thise-book in India, and also said: "I got so excited that I decided to mail youright away since I feel this book can help millions here in INDIA."* A Scandinavian author agent contacted us wanting to translate and publishthe book in print and electronic formats in Norway.* 15 people contacted us immediately wanting to sell this e-book throughtheir websites and e-zines.* HUNDREDS of people ordered the book within just five hours of getting theemail.* Dozens of people wrote from
overseas, begging to find a way to pay for thebook and get it right NOW.* Still others wrote to me, asking if the book would be released inhardcover (not this year).And all this in just a few hours after I pre-released the e-book. Isthis miraculous or what?Finally there's the book I co-authored with Stuart Lichtman, called"How to Get Lots of Money For Anything Fast." Stuart is a genius. I havenever met anyone like him. He has spent at least four decades studying theunconscious mind. The result is that he can pin-point where our unconscioustrips us up---and show us how to correct it.This is incredible. Where before you would set a goal and wonder whyyou stopped going for it, now you can discover why you stoppedyourself---and remove the block. This book really describes how to "getclear", which is a key step in my "Spiritual Marketing" book.Well, let me throw in one more book on prosperity.When Tom Paley wrote his masterpiece, "I'm Rich Beyond My WildestDreams, I am I am I am," he didn't know he would begin a new quest. Sincewriting that book he has gone on to teach e-classes based on his simplemethod, give teleseminars, land a publishing contract for the book, and nowsell it as an e-book, too. His book is helping people create miracles. Hisbook helped me manifest the home of my dreams.If you're looking to create prosperity, I suggest you get all of theabove titles. They are all e-books so you can have them instantly. They'rebetter reading than the daily newspaper and will lead to far more profit.

The 13 Hidden Treasures of Internet Marketing

Most people get into internet marketing because it looks like a good way to make money from home. These people usually don't realize that initial sales are only a small piece of the pie. Don't be like them and miss out on all the hidden treasures!
As you read this article I want you to read about these hidden treasures and look at your job or most traditional businesses. If you compare what you know to what I'm going to share with you it will be obvious to you that your job or traditional business can't offer you the steal of a deal you can get with being an internet marketer.
So here we go. The 13 Hidden Benefits of Internet Marketing:
1. TAX BREAKS. Yes, terrific tax breaks. When you operate a home based business you can write off the costs for:
The area in your home you use for the business
Office supplies (including your computer)
Related tools (hosting fees, journals, magazines, cable TV),
Job expenses
Travel expenses
Meals and entertainment
Your phone
Legal and professional services
And much, much more.
Talk to an accountant to get a complete list of all the tax breaks you may qualify for.
2. LOW STARTUP COSTS. Most businesses cost AT LEAST $5,000 to get started. That's the VERY low end. You can actually start making money on the internet by joining an affiliate program for free and marketing with free ads. Even if you're getting your own site up it can be done for only a few hundred dollars.
3. LOW OPERATING COSTS. Once you're up and running you can build your business on a budget of a hundred dollars a month or less. I'm including operating expenses like hosting fees, merchant accounts, etc. The less money you spend, the more time it will take, but you don't have that choice in most businesses. You usually have to have a lot of cash or you can't get started.
4. HIGH PROFIT MARGIN. Since your costs are low you keep more of the money you make from sales. If you sell a product delivered online (like e-books)you don't have to pay for shipping either.
5. MARKET FOR LITTLE OR NO MONEY. You probably already know this, but don't take it for granted. Online you can submit free ads, do ad swaps with your ezine, use pay per click search engines, etc. Check out how much advertising costs offline. Just to mail 1,000 letters costs $340.00! Instead you can e-mail your offer to 100,000 people for free.
6. YOU DON'T NEED YOUR OWN PRODUCT. There are a ton of folks with great products you can sell through affiliate programs. Go to for ideas if you don't know what you want to sell. You can make a great living just from marketing for other people in your spare time.
7. TIME FREEDOM. You build your business as fast or slow as you
like. You can work all day or 2 hours at night after you put your kids to sleep. Work one day a week or seven. It's ALL up to you.
8. JOB SECURITY ON AUTOPILOT. Remember job security? It doesn't exist in the world of being an employee. If it takes you 3 or even 5 years to build your business from part time to full time at home, you're still ahead of millions of people depending on a paycheck for all 40 to 60 years they have to be an employee.
9. OPEN 24 HOURS IN EVERY COUNTRY. ...Oh yeah, that. Your site works for you while you sleep. So does your advertising, the articles you write, and your ezine. Consider every little thing you do to market to be a new round the clock employee you just hired for free. These employees will stay out on the web working for you forever. The BIG SECRET is that the older your online business gets, the less work it takes to make more money.
10. YOU KEEP THE CASH. If you're an employee you are a cog in the company machine. The company keeps most of the money your labor produces. As you build your company online you keep ALL the money your labor produces. Since you're the owner instead of the employee, the bigger your business grows the fatter YOUR wallet gets!
11. YOU DON'T HAVE TO FIGURE IT OUT. Plenty of other folks have been in this game for awhile. They created the blueprints so you don't have to. If you learn how to do it from people who are already making a killing it's simple. You do what they've done and you will get the same results.
12. CHEAP AND FREE RESOURCES. You can subscribe to ezines full of free tips. You can buy information on how to build your business for as little as $14.97. Obviously, the more expensive the information is the more valuable it is and it will help you to build faster, but you can find plenty of great support that's cheap too.
13. YOU ARE A PART OF A COMMUNITY. Online marketers are usually nice people who like to help each other. It's a great bunch of people to be dealing with. If you want support along your journey it's only an e-mail away.
Do you know of any other business with all of these benefits? Network marketing is the closest and it still isn't even close to being this beneficial...unless you use internet marketing to build it.

The 13 Hidden Treasures of Internet Marketing

Most people get into internet marketing because it looks like a good way to make money from home. These people usually don't realize that initial sales are only a small piece of the pie. Don't be like them and miss out on all the hidden treasures!
As you read this article I want you to read about these hidden treasures and look at your job or most traditional businesses. If you compare what you know to what I'm going to share with you it will be obvious to you that your job or traditional business can't offer you the steal of a deal you can get with being an internet marketer.
So here we go. The 13 Hidden Benefits of Internet Marketing:
1. TAX BREAKS. Yes, terrific tax breaks. When you operate a home based business you can write off the costs for:
The area in your home you use for the business
Office supplies (including your computer)
Related tools (hosting fees, journals, magazines, cable TV),
Job expenses
Travel expenses
Meals and entertainment
Your phone
Legal and professional services
And much, much more.
Talk to an accountant to get a complete list of all the tax breaks you may qualify for.
2. LOW STARTUP COSTS. Most businesses cost AT LEAST $5,000 to get started. That's the VERY low end. You can actually start making money on the internet by joining an affiliate program for free and marketing with free ads. Even if you're getting your own site up it can be done for only a few hundred dollars.
3. LOW OPERATING COSTS. Once you're up and running you can build your business on a budget of a hundred dollars a month or less. I'm including operating expenses like hosting fees, merchant accounts, etc. The less money you spend, the more time it will take, but you don't have that choice in most businesses. You usually have to have a lot of cash or you can't get started.
4. HIGH PROFIT MARGIN. Since your costs are low you keep more of the money you make from sales. If you sell a product delivered online (like e-books)you don't have to pay for shipping either.
5. MARKET FOR LITTLE OR NO MONEY. You probably already know this, but don't take it for granted. Online you can submit free ads, do ad swaps with your ezine, use pay per click search engines, etc. Check out how much advertising costs offline. Just to mail 1,000 letters costs $340.00! Instead you can e-mail your offer to 100,000 people for free.
6. YOU DON'T NEED YOUR OWN PRODUCT. There are a ton of folks with great products you can sell through affiliate programs. Go to for ideas if you don't know what you want to sell. You can make a great living just from marketing for other people in your spare time.
7. TIME FREEDOM. You build your business as fast or slow as you
like. You can work all day or 2 hours at night after you put your kids to sleep. Work one day a week or seven. It's ALL up to you.
8. JOB SECURITY ON AUTOPILOT. Remember job security? It doesn't exist in the world of being an employee. If it takes you 3 or even 5 years to build your business from part time to full time at home, you're still ahead of millions of people depending on a paycheck for all 40 to 60 years they have to be an employee.
9. OPEN 24 HOURS IN EVERY COUNTRY. ...Oh yeah, that. Your site works for you while you sleep. So does your advertising, the articles you write, and your ezine. Consider every little thing you do to market to be a new round the clock employee you just hired for free. These employees will stay out on the web working for you forever. The BIG SECRET is that the older your online business gets, the less work it takes to make more money.
10. YOU KEEP THE CASH. If you're an employee you are a cog in the company machine. The company keeps most of the money your labor produces. As you build your company online you keep ALL the money your labor produces. Since you're the owner instead of the employee, the bigger your business grows the fatter YOUR wallet gets!
11. YOU DON'T HAVE TO FIGURE IT OUT. Plenty of other folks have been in this game for awhile. They created the blueprints so you don't have to. If you learn how to do it from people who are already making a killing it's simple. You do what they've done and you will get the same results.
12. CHEAP AND FREE RESOURCES. You can subscribe to ezines full of free tips. You can buy information on how to build your business for as little as $14.97. Obviously, the more expensive the information is the more valuable it is and it will help you to build faster, but you can find plenty of great support that's cheap too.
13. YOU ARE A PART OF A COMMUNITY. Online marketers are usually nice people who like to help each other. It's a great bunch of people to be dealing with. If you want support along your journey it's only an e-mail away.
Do you know of any other business with all of these benefits? Network marketing is the closest and it still isn't even close to being this beneficial...unless you use internet marketing to build it.

Don't Wait to Start Your Marketing Strategy

Use your search engine to locate other ezines for writers – they are an invaluable source of publicity by using your articles with your signature at the end to direct people to your book.
Don’t wait! At least by the time you send your manuscript to the publisher or get it ready for an ebook, you should be checking ezines for information about marketing. You should gather all the information you can find relating to marketing – look up websites, contact them all and find out what kind of marketing tools are available to you and which ones you want to pursue.
Keep file folders, with all the information you gather, and find some way to keep track of what each file folder contains. Then categorize your folders by subject – Marketing Information, Info on Publishing, Ezines for Promoting, Comments – Reviews – Press Releases, etc. You need to be able to find just what you’re looking for without going through folder after folder looking for it.
The important thing to remember – Don’t wait until you are ready to begin marketing your book to begin collecting information. Be ready to start marketing as soon as your book is finished and ready to be marketed.
In the case of articles, you should write several articles, polish each one to perfection, and then contact or send them to appropriate ezines and newsletters. Send your articles out every week or two and keep sending them out as long as you develop new lists of ezines to submit to. Keep writing new articles which help others to learn from your experiences and put your signature at the end of each article. Your name, a published article or book, website, etc. should be at the end of EVERY article you submit.

Assembly Work At Home Scams

Many people who need extra money would like to work from home. Unfortunately, some companies cheat people out of their money by preying on this desire to make money from home.
Most work at home "opportunities" look like legitimate ways to make extra cash. They often advertise ads in local newspapers , magazines , or through E-MAIL. These ads typically say something like "EARN &2,500 A MONTH GUARANTEED WITHOUT LEAVING YOUR HOME" send $20-$40 for details.
While many work at home scams exist , I would like to tell you about one of the common work at home scams , known as 'ASSEMBLY WORK AT HOME"
The ads are enticing; "Get an assembly work at home job and make loads of money! "Can these ads be trusted? NO! Are there legitimate work at home assembly jobs available? In all reality , you will not find a legitimate assembly work at home job.
The majority of these ads are worthless. They attempt to prey on the disabled, the elderly, and most of all, those of us who would like to work at home, or start their own home based business.
Here is what usually happens if you answer to one of these "assembly work at home" information request ads. First, you request "free "information about this opportunity. You then receive "basic "information that asks you to typically pay between $20 and $40 dollars for the complete details and materials to get started earning money right away.
After you pay them their fee, you get back a packet of information about the assembly work at home opportunity, and which companies are waiting to hire you. Here's the catch: you will most likely never make a dime from any of these companies. Why? Because after you purchased the supplies and or equipment needed to get started, and have done the work, these companies will not pay you. In fact, many people have had these companies refuse to pay for their work because it did not [and will not] meet their quality standards. "Unfortunately, no work is ever "up to standard" leaving you with expensive equipment and/or supplies,
and no income.
If you are victimized:
If you become a victim of an "assembly, or other "work at home scheme, ask the company for a refund. If they refuse, or give you an evasive response, tell them you plan to notify LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICIALS.
Keep careful records of everything you do to recover your money. Document your phone calls, keep copies of all paperwork such as letters and receipts, and record all costs involved, including the time you spend. Many people who need extra money would like to work from home. Unfortunately, some companies cheat people out of their money by preying on this desire to make money from home.
Most work at home "opportunities" look like legitimate ways to make extra cash. They often advertise ads in local newspapers , magazines , or through E-MAIL. These ads typically say something like "EARN &2,500 A MONTH GUARANTEED WITHOUT LEAVING YOUR HOME" send $20-$40 for details.
While many work at home scams exist , I would like to tell you about one of the common work at home scams , known as 'ASSEMBLY WORK AT HOME"
The ads are enticing; "Get an assembly work at home job and make loads of money! "Can these ads be trusted? NO! Are there legitimate work at home assembly jobs available? In all reality , you will not find a legitimate assembly work at home job.
The majority of these ads are worthless. They attempt to prey on the disabled, the elderly, and most of all, those of us who would like to work at home, or start their own home based business.
Here is what usually happens if you answer to one of these "assembly work at home" information request ads. First, you request "free "information about this opportunity. You then receive "basic "information that asks you to typically pay between $20 and $40 dollars for the complete details and materials to get started earning money right away.
After you pay them their fee, you get back a packet of information about the assembly work at home opportunity, and which companies are waiting to hire you. Here's the catch: you will most likely never make a dime from any of these companies. Why? Because after you purchased the supplies and or equipment needed to get started, and have done the work, these companies will not pay you. In fact, many people have had these companies refuse to pay for their work because it did not [and will not] meet their quality standards. "Unfortunately, no work is ever "up to standard" leaving you with expensive equipment and/or supplies,
and no income.
If you are victimized:
If you become a victim of an "assembly, or other "work at home scheme, ask the company for a refund. If they refuse, or give you an evasive response, tell them you plan to notify LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICIALS.
Keep careful records of everything you do to recover your money. Document your phone calls, keep copies of all paperwork such as letters and receipts, and record all costs involved, including the time you spend.

Retailing with Books a Million

For the aspiring author, it is important to be familiar with potential publishers as well as the distribution channel they can offer. Eventually, much of the success of your book will fall on the quality of the publisher and their ability to push the book through the appropriate distribution channels. I would recommend contacting a well established publisher that has plenty of expertise and success in the publishing field. A seasoned publisher is your best choice if you want your book to actually make it to stores. Ride the Coattails of Books a Million Keep in mind that if your book doesn't ever make it to the bookshelves nobody will ever have the opportunity to buy it and read it, meaning you will have to find another job. The best publishers will make sure your book makes it to the biggest retail book stores. In addition to the traditional book retail stores such as Borders and Barnes and Noble, you will definitely want your book on the shelves of a Books a Million store. If you haven't heard of Books a Million yet, perhaps it is time that you do. Books a Million is growing rapidly and is beginning to compete directly with Borders and Barnes and Noble. Of course it is obvious you want your book to be featured on the shelves of Borders and B&N, but Books a Million is the hot new book retailer right now. Books a Million was actually founded in 1918, but has since grown to include more than 200 stores. These stores are found primarily in the southern and eastern section of the United States, with locations in 18 states as well as Washington D.C. Because Books a Million is growing so rapidly, their ability to introduce your book to new markets will help prolong the shelf life of your book. As I have stated before, getting your book sold at the largest books stores like Borders and Barnes and Noble is very important, but this is not always possible. These companies are so large that the competition to fill their shelves is very intense, so it may be in your best interest to build a relationship through your publisher with a smaller growing company like Books a Million. That way you can get
your foot in the door, begin to make a profit off your book, and as Books a Million grows so shall your audience. Double Your Profits with a Book on Tape In addition to marketing your book through the major brick and mortar retailers, you might also consider publishing your book in a different format. Have you ever thought of turning your book into a book on tape? Making a book on tape helps expand the potential audience base for your book, thereby increasing your potential for profits and fortifying your continued existence as a thriving author. Of course a book on tape can be sold through the usual channels, such as Books a Million, but you can also digitalize your book on tape and strike a deal with to sell your book on tape in digital audio format. Digital audio is a rapidly growing market thanks to the popularity of mp3 players, particularly the ubiquitous iPod. Creating a synergistic relationship with this new technology that has just taken off in recent years will help reinvent books as we know them, and for that matter it will also reinvent the book on tape. Now, instead of buying a book on tape, you can download the book in a digital audio format and listen to the book wherever you go. The market demanding this type of book is rapidly growing. As an author it is important that you are in tune with the direction the book retail market is taking. You can't afford to miss the opportunity to build lasting relationships with growing retailers like Books a Million, nor can you afford to miss the boat with digital audio and the incremental sales and profits that are associated with those new markets.

Enjoying my morning coffee in Starbucks has been a routine since a year back. Now, everything in that particular Starbucks seems so familiar. Even the

Q. The big question asked me in teleclasses or client sessions is "How should I price my eBook?
A. The big answer is "it depends."
Here's seven tips to help:
1. Determine your audience's need and demand for your book. If your book solves a particular problem for a preferred audience, it will sell well at any price. When you know your 30-60 second "Tell and Sell," you'll be more likely to know a proper price.
Let's say you have a book "Stop Divorce Now." Your tell and sell includes "Helps the nearly divorced audience, both men and women." That audience gives your book a slant, and makes it more valuable. In the "Tell and Sell" you must also include the benefits your book brings its audience. The top benefit of this book is that it stops divorce now.
No matter the number of pages, anywhere from 15-99, this kind of book will bring a healthy price. Maybe $39.95, maybe more.
2. Sell to your "wants it short, easy, and cheap to yield big profits audience. You can charge more than some general information book aimed at a general audience.
The 8 and 1/2 by 11" forty-page book "Write Your eBook or Other Short Book--Fast!" loaded with how to's and which specific steps to do first, along with hundreds of Web and email resources is well worth the list price of $24.95. The author puts it on discount several times a year for only $18.95, but it sells well at $24.95.
If someone wants to write and publish a book, this price tag is small for what it gives and the speed one can finish a short book to start making money within 60 days.
3. Know that eBooks bring as big a price as print books. Don't under price yours. Assign it the highest price you feel your audience can afford. If you don't sell
many (remember to sell many you need to promote your books Online and on Web sites) try a lower price. Always start with the highest price.
4. Rethink your title to sell more books. Make it short and compelling, but be sure to make it clear. Three-six words will sell better than a really long title, although there are exceptions.
One eBook "High Traffic=High Web Sales" sells better than "How to Dramatically Increase your Web Traffic and Sales."
5. Know that "how-to" books bring a larger price than a story.
6. Price your personal growth and health books lower than the specific how-to books. Shorter eBooks such as 10-30 pages will easily go for $7.95 to $12.95. Longer ones can go for $15.95. This audience is huge, but your book has far more competition in this group. Think Chicken Soup for the Soul series, selling over 70 million.
7. Promote your eBook Online to catch the Online business people. Reach 1000's, even hundreds of thousands each day you submit a related article. They want all kinds of books. Learn how to sell more books by learning this kind of promotion.

Ebook Secrets

Enjoying my morning coffee in Starbucks has been a routine since a year back. Now, everything in that particular Starbucks seems so familiar. Even the customers looked similar.
Just as I was walking to my favorite table with my warm coffee, I notice a lady meddling with her personal computer while sipping her drink. I took a glance and swore that face looked familiar. Anyway I thought my memory might not have fully awakened and so continued my walk towards my table. Now, I sat facing straight to this demure lady and suddenly it struck me, she was a well-known internet marketer, let’s call her My Rich Mum. I was planning to start my own e-book business and have been surfing for more information and her picture always seems to pop up in e-book sites.
I knew I needed a mentor like Rich Mum if I wanted to start a successful e-book business. I was usually a shy person but at that moment, some part of me told me to get my back off the seat and walk towards her. Well, I did just that. I approached Rich Mum and started a conversation. I introduced myself and told her I was planning to start an e-book business and asked if she had any tips or advice. All she did was to pull a card out of her purse and told me to only open the card when I reached home. The “namecard size” card was wrapped in a light blue wrapper. Rich Mum then wrote her personal contact number on the back of the card and told me to read, adsorb and understand the contents of the card. Her instructions were for me to understand the contents and to call her the day after.
Not knowing what else to do, I thanked her and went back to my now cold coffee.
That day after work, I went home all excited, ready to unveil the contents of the card. As I carefully removed the beautiful blue wrapper, I saw the contents of the card:
My Personal Guide to an E-Book Business
1. Choose my topic
2. Write my E-book
3. Create my website
4. Accept payments
5. Promote my website
That was all the contents on the card, simple and logical and yet so divine. I started to break down the contents one by one and tried surfing the internet for more information and voila, that was it. The 5 steps are all I need for my e-book business.
I couldn’t wait until the day after; I had to call Rich Mum the following day for a meet up. I wanted to know what the contents meant to her. Rich Mum, being the kind lady she was, agreed to meeting me for lunch. This time, I armed myself with a new pen and notepad.
Finally at 1.30pm, I got to meet Rich Mum again. This time, she started her speech with a serious tone: “Jay, if you wish to understand more about the contents on the card I gave you, you will have to pay me $1000.” I wrote Rich Mum a cheque on the spot. Hey, she was a famous internet guru and people would pay up to the thousands for by the hour consultation.
Soon we were discussing about e-books and I was busy trying to jot down everything she said, word for word, sentence for sentence.
The moment came when she started to explain the contents on the card she had gave to me earlier the day before. This was it, I specifically told Rich Mum to speak slower. (My hands were tired by now!) The following was what Rich Mum said exactly:
“Choose my topic
This is where most people would take tons of time during their creation of their e-book business. Trust me, people climb onto the e-book wagon with only one objective in mind, making as much money as possible. Your first priority should be adding as much value as possible, when you do that, people will automatically part their money with you. Before you plunge into choosing any topic, always ask yourself the following questions:
“What do I do for a living?”
“What are the types of knowledge I have?”
“What am I interested in?”
“Are there secrets I have that people might be very interested in?”
The above questions should lead you to adding value to a certain group of people
and earning money at the same time.
Write my e-book
Once you have the above step covered, once you already have your topic, writing your e-book should be a breeze. You do not need distinctions in English to write an e-book. People love e-books which are written in a more casual tone and not a stern go by the book tone. I always create my table of contents first, and then simply proceed to elaborate on the points I wish to bring forth. It’s really that simple. After completing that e-book, I almost always convert my e-book into a PDF file, so that more eyeballs will be able to read it. The PDF format is friendly with most desktop platforms.
Please always format sentences to be of 1.5 spacing and try to use larger fonts. This is because of the fact that it is always harder to read on the computer screen as compared to a hard copy.
Create my website
Your e-book website is not going to be a complicated website full of programming jargon. All you really need is two important pages, namely the Sales Page and the Thank You Page. The sales page will be where you show visitors your sales letter; it is the showcase of your e-book business. The thank you page is where you will have a link for the download of your product; in this case your product is your e-book.
You can be a total computer idiot and yet own e-book businesses. A great tip to creating that website is to reply on friends who are well-versed in web designing. There is absolute no need to hire expensive web designers to do the same job a student web designer would do for a lunch treat. That was how I started my first e-book business back in 1997.
Accepting payments
A lot of people start their e-book businesses to make money, you need to start your e-book business to add value and then to make money.
An E-book business always accepts credit card payments due to the fact that the credit card is the number one paying tool over the internet. To accept credit card payments, you will need a merchant account that will process your customer’s cards and make sure payment is made. There are a few third party merchant accounts that will handle all credit card payments for your e-book businesses. The best part is you do not pay until you make a sale.
Promote your site
This is going to be the most difficult part of your e-book business. The hard fact is that Sales is directly proportional to Traffic. The most traffic you can get to your site, the more sales you will make.
There are a couple of great ways to generate traffic to your site. One of these ways is to create a free e-book, report or course.
All you do next is to send out the free e-books, reports or courses in anywhere possible and see the traffic pouring into your site. Remember, people are always looking for free information over the internet, so if you are able to provide great free information to people, they will spend on your website.”
There you have it, the 5 steps to an e-book business unveiled. My hands were trembling by now. After an hour of hardcore e-book coaching, Rich Mum was ready to leave for her game of tennis, leaving me to adsorb the notes I have just taken.

Book Summary: Mind Your Own Business

A maverick is an independent person who will not go along with the other members of a group (Oxford ESL Dictionary). This book provides priceless stories and insights from a maverick of the business world; an exemplary business leader who prefers not to follow orthodox beliefs in business, nor be eaten by the hyped up ideas of the present. Instead, he chooses the course of action that is appropriate for the changing times.
The Maverick’s Way: New Old Thing
What is effective? This is the question answered by the maverick. He reconciles the good things from both the Old and New times, and focuses on what is really effective in confronting the challenges of 21st century business dealings.
A maverick thinks outside of the bed, knows that it pays to be daring, does not allow technology to tyrannize, finds strength in diversity, maintains balance and harmony among people, sets leadership by example, has a strong ethical base, and values employees and customers. A maverick knows his customers and believes strongly in his products.
To a maverick, a company is a not just a big candy store. It is a living instrument with living human beings. It should have a HEART.
Keys to Leadership
The leader leads. He exercises critical judgment, which will have a great impact on his people.
The leader defines the company. The leader’s responsibility is to explicitly present and advocate the company’s purposes and goals.
The leader inspires. He gives sense and meaning to the job. He makes his people realize, that beyond profit there is an underlying meaning, value, and deeper reason for the work they do.
The leader should be the evangelist. He should be able to exercise his influence, to sell the values of ethical conduct.
The leader must see the company as a coherent whole. He should be aware of the diversity in the company and bring this together to promote the whole.
The leader must know that there is no better way to create a family in the workplace than to encourage the family at home. Harman International introduced the anti-domestic violence program in the company, which reinforces the idea that the company cares.
The leader should never underestimate the value of disciplined hard work.
The leader empowers subordinates to do their jobs. He should institute programs for the guidance and training of his people. He should always keep the lines of communication open.
The leader promotes closure. He should know the right time to get things done.
The leader knows what he doesn’t know. The leader is not afraid to ask clarifications, if he does not understand a particular subject.
The leader knows the meaning of two minutes. He should respect the time of others and that of his own.
The leader teaches.
Above all, the leader develops others. As Lao Tzu advanced: “the leader having accomplished great things, the people all feel they did it themselves…”
The very best leaders go beyond the mere setting of example. He should be able to cause a leap of imagination and faith in his people.
The leader recognizes that people are often at their very best the moment they have been let go. There are times when an employee doesn’t like the work anymore, or he is unable to appreciate how the whole enterprise works- this is the time to set him free.
A Company Must Be Profitable
1. A solid financial base is fundamental.
2. Debt should not exceed equity. A debt to equity ratio of 1 to 1 or better should be the
goal, so that a company’s leader and key executives do not spend all their time on mere survival -paying bills, meeting the payroll, and keeping the banks happy- but moving forward and meeting bigger challenges and doing more visionary work.
3. There should be a regular process for annual strategic planning and budget-planning.
The Fundamentals of Profit and Loss
1. Manage expectations, not the profits. Keep the shareholders informed, to eliminate doubts of manipulating numbers.
2. The Chairman and CEO should be financially literate. They should know what the numbers really mean.
3. Good growth and profitability requires the exercise of critical judgment. The leader should make certain that the budget is one the company can live with.
4. In repurchasing the company’s own stocks, make sure that it will add to the company’s earnings.
5. Look into the availability of funds so that the balance sheet will not be compromised.
Make an Edge in the Business World
1. Writing. It is a unique and powerful skill you can use for clarity and persuasion.
2 Public Speaking and Story-telling. Speak directly, and without notes, to your audience. Individuals respond to a well-told story.
3. Thinking. People do not respect sloppy thinking in a leader. Thoughts should be carefully considered then expressed directly, crisply, and clearly.
About the Book's Author:
Dr. Sidney Harman (‘39), currently chairman of Harman International Industries, Inc., has been active in education, government, and industry. He served for three years as president of Friends World College, a worldwide, experimental Quaker College, and is the founder and an active member of the Program on Technology, Public Policy, and Human Development at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. Dr. Harman is chairman of the Program Committee of the Board of the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies and a member of the Board of the Carter Center of Emory University. Dr. Harman served as the Deputy Secretary of Commerce of the United States in 1977 and 1978.
A pioneer of the high-fidelity industry, Dr. Harman founded the well-known Harman Kardon, Inc., in 1952. He is widely known for the Quality of Working Life programs he initiated at the company’s plants, especially for the program at Bolivar, Tennessee, which has become a model for such activities in American industry and a principal case study at business schools in the United States and abroad. Dr. Harman has written extensively on productivity, quality of working life, and economic policy, and is co-author, with Daniel Yankelovich, of Starting With the People, published by Houghton Mifflin in 1988.
Dr. Harman has served as a trustee of the Martin Luther King Center for Social Change, the Los Angeles Philharmonic Association, and the National Symphony Orchestra. He is chairman of the Executive Committee of the Board of the Public Agenda Foundation; chairman of the Executive Committee of the Board of Business Executives for National Security; a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Council on Competitiveness; and a member of the Board of the Leadership Institute of the University of Southern